B1552-5MG Display Image

Bromoenol lactone, >=98%

Code: B1552-5MG D2-231

Biochem/physiol Actions

Potent, irreversible inhibitor of calcium-independent phospholipase A2 and of magnesium-dependent phosphatidate phosphohydrolase from P388D...

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Your Price
£294.00 5MG
£352.80 inc. VAT

Biochem/physiol Actions

Potent, irreversible inhibitor of calcium-independent phospholipase A2 and of magnesium-dependent phosphatidate phosphohydrolase from P388D macrophages (IC50 = 8 µM); enzyme activated irreversible chymotrypsin inhibitor (Ki = 636 nM).


5 mg in glass bottle

λmax224 nm
assay≥98% (TLC)
biological sourcesynthetic (organic)
potency636 nM Ki
Quality Level200
SMILES string[H]C(Br)=C1CCC(C(=O)O1)c2cccc3ccccc23
solubilitydegassed ethanol: soluble (Dilute in aqueous medium immediately prior to use and store on ice for no more than 12 hours.), DMSO: soluble (Dilute in aqueous medium immediately prior to use and store on ice for no more than 12 hours.)
storage temp.−20°C
Cas Number88070-98-8
This product has met the following criteria: