HiScreen IMAC Fast Flow, Cytiva, 28-9505-17

Code: GE28-9505-17 D2-231

Analysis Note

To view the Certificate of Analysis for this product, please visit www.cytiva.com.


IMAC Sepharose® 6 Fa...

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Your Price
£166.00 EACH
£199.20 inc. VAT

Analysis Note

To view the Certificate of Analysis for this product, please visit www.cytiva.com.


IMAC Sepharose® 6 Fast FLow consists of 90 µm beads of highly cross-linked Agarose to which a chelating group has been covalently coupled. This chelating group can be charged with suitable metal ions, specific for your target Protein of interest. The bead size of IMAC Sepharose® 6 Fast FLow enables high flow properties, making the medium an excellent choice for scaling up purification at laboratory scale and purification of histidine-tagged Proteins at process scale. Low metal-ion leakage means that the activity of the purified Protein is retained and the risk of precipitation reduced, which results in increased purity, activity, and yield of the target Protein. Leakage of metal ions into the eluted target Protein pool from IMAC Sepharose® 6 Fast FLow is generally Low under normal conditions.IMAC Sepharose® 6 Fast FLow is highly stable and compatible with a wide range of common additives. This helps maintain biological activity and increase product yield, while at the same time greatly expanding the range of suitable operating conditions.The medium is available prepacked in HiTrap, HiScreen, and HiPrep column formats for convenient purification of histidine-tagged Proteins at laboratory scale. Initial purification using a 1 mL HiTrap® IMAC FF column can be scaled up further with the 5 mL column. Purification can be scaled up even more using 20 mL HiPrep IMAC FF 16/10 columns. Prepacked HiScreen IMAC FF with a 10 cm bed height is the format of choice for method optimization and process development.

Features and Benefits

For optimizing purification of histidine-tagged Proteins when Ni2+ is not the best choice of metal ion. Conveniently charge with your metal ion of choice. Optimal bead size for scale-up. High binding capacity. Prepacked HiScreen columns for method optimization and process development. Reproducible results, scalable to BioProcess columns packed with the same media using the same linear fluid velocity.

General description

HiScreen IMAC FF are prepacked with IMAC Sepharose® 6 Fast Flow, a medium which is charged with the metal of choice for purification of histidine-tagged proteins. The HiScreen format is optimized for method optimization and parameter screening.

Legal Information

HiPrep is a trademark of Cytiva

Sepharose is a registered trademark of Cytiva

IMAC Sepharose products, Ni Sepharose products and Fe Sepharose productsThese products are sold under a license from Sigma-Aldrich under patent number EP 1276716 (Metal chelating compositions) and equivalent patents and patent applications in other countries.

HiScreen is a trademark of Cytiva

HiTrap is a registered trademark of Cytiva

Storage and Stability

Store at 4 to 30 °C (20% Ethanol)

average diameter90 µm
bed size7.7 mm × 100 mm
bed volume4.7 mL
capacity~40 mg binding capacity (histidine-tagged protein/ml medium when changed with Ni2+)(Protein- and metal-ion dependent.)
cleaning2-14(Medium uncharged with metal ions.)
column I.D.7.7 mm
manufacturer/tradenameCytiva 28-9505-17
matrix6% cross-linked agarose
packagingpkg of 1 ea
parameter22 psi, 1.5 bar (22 psi) (Over the Packed Bed During Operation)
particle size45-165 µm
shelf lifePlease be aware this product may be shipped 90 days before the expiration date. For more information on the batch specific expiration date, please contact technical service.
suitabilitysuitable for bioprocess medium
working range3-12
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